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ClimbWorks media

Stay up-to-date with all of our latest news and media coverage by following ClimbWorks on SOME and checking out our website. We are constantly sharing new photos, videos and articles about our height safety solutions, events, and projects.



CW Sweden in VISMA demo

CW was on site when Visma was making some "how to" videos.

CW to release new digital courses 


CW is making all new digital courses for Ski lift evacuations

Extending to Norway


Expanding services and new office in Norway

CW performing work in Norway

Nytt Microsoft Publisher Document (2).jpg

New office for Rope Access and technical services

Evac course at Skistar


Expanding courses in Sweden- Height safety courses are important and ClimbWorks can provide you with this training. We have many types of courses. Check them out here: 


Thermography work in Sweden

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Termo Scan has become a popular "add on" service. We quickly sscan youre house or apartment to reveal any heat leakage or even water leakage. 

3D Scan at Klappen Resort

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A succsessful 3D scan in -30 degrees with both drone and 3D

camera on ground. Mapping the woods before work.

ClimbWorks are now an full on safety provider for tv/movie productions

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